Today's murali 18-1-2020 English Daily Gyan Murli Aaj ki shiv baba murli English om Shanti Bk murli english today's shiv baba ki Murli English daily Gyan Murli english
Today's murali 18-1-2020 English Daily Gyan Murli,BK Murli, shiv baba ki aaj ki murli english,om Shanti bk murli english today Jan 2020 shiv baba ki Murli english.bk murli daily in English today.Mere baba ki aaj ki bk murli today.brahma kumaris today's murli madhuban also watch a live murli on peace of mind channel.
18/01/20 These sweet elevated versions are to be read in the morning class on the Day of Remembrance of our beloved Pita Shriji Prajapita Brahma. 18/01/20
Sweet children, your activity has to be very royal. You are becoming deities and therefore let your aim, its qualifications and whatever you say and do be the same.
Song:Having found You, I have found the whole world!
Om Shanti
You sweetest, spiritual children heard the song. There are now few children and there will then be many children. Everyone has to know Prajapita Brahma. Those of all religions will accept him. Baba has explained that even lokik fathers are limited Brahmas. There, the genealogical trees are created by their surnames. This then is unlimited. His name is Prajapita Brahma. There, it is a limited Brahma who creates children – limited. Some may have two to four children and some would not create any. For this one, you cannot say that he does not have any children. All the people in the world are his children.
The unlimited Bap and Dada both have a lot of spiritual love for you sweetest children. He educates you children with so much love and makes you something great from what you were! So, the mercury of happiness of you children should rise so high. The mercury of happiness will rise when you constantly continue to remember the Father. The Father does the service of purifying you children with a lot of love every cycle. He purifies everyone, along with the five elements. He changes you from shells into diamonds.
This is such huge unlimited service. The Father continues to give teachings to you children with a lot of love because it is the duty of the Father and the Teacher to reform the children. Only by following the Father’s shrimat do you become elevated. You children should note down in your charts whether you follow shrimat or the dictates of your own mind. Only with shrimat will you will become accurate. The more loving your intellects are for the Father, the more you will remain full of incognito happiness. Ask your heart: Do I have that high-spirited happiness? Do I have unadulterated remembrance? Do I have any desires? Do I remember the one Father? Only when the discus of self-realisation continues to turn should the soul leave the body. Belong to one Shiv Baba and none other. This is the final mantra.
The Father asks you spiritual children: Sweet children, when you see BapDada in front of you, does it enter your intellects that your Baba is your Father and also your Teacher and Satguru? The Father is taking us from this old world to the new world. This old world is now about to finish. It is now of no use. The Father makes the world new every cycle and we become Narayan from an ordinary human every cycle. You children should churn this and have so much enthusiasm. Children, there is now very little time. What are you today and what will you be tomorrow? This is a game of today and tomorrow and this is why you children must not make any mistakes.
The activity of you children has to be very royal. Each of you needs to look at yourself and see whether your activity is like that of the deities. Is your head (brain) like that of the deities? Are you becoming what your aim is or do you just speak about it? Remain intoxicated with the knowledge that you have received. To the extent that you remain introverted and think about these things, you will experience a lot of happiness. You children also know that little time remains to go to that world from this world. Since you have left that world behind, why look back? Why does your intellects’ yoga go in that direction? You have to do everything with your intellects. Since you have gone beyond, why should your intellects be pulled? Do not think about things that have passed.
Do not have any expectations of this old world. You now just have to have one elevated hope: we now have to go to our land of happiness. You must not stop anywhere or look anywhere else. Just continue to move ahead. Continue to look in only one direction for only then will your stage become unshakable, immovable and stable. Times are becoming very delicate and the conditions of this old world are getting worse. You have no connection with it. Your connection is with the new world which is now being established. The Father has explained that the cycle of 84 is now finishing. This world is now definitely going to finish, it is now in a very serious condition. At this time, it is the elements that are getting angry the most and this is why they destroy everything. You now know that the elements are going to show their anger very strongly and will drown the entire old world.
There will be floods and fires and people will starve to death. All the buildings will fall in the earthquakes. The whole world will experience all these conditions. Death will take place in many different ways. They will release such gas bombs that people will just die from their bad fumes. This whole drama plan is created and no one can be blamed for it. Destruction is definitely going to take place and this is why you have to remove your intellects’ yoga away from this old world. Now, you would say: “Wah Satguru!” to the One who has shown you this path. Our truest Guru is the one Baba alone and His name is still remembered on the path of devotion and is praised. You children would say: Wah Satguru! Wah! Wah fortune! Wah! Wah drama! Wah! We are receiving salvation through the Father’s knowledge. You children have become instruments to establish peace in the world. So, tell everyone the good news that New Bharat and the New World in which Lakshmi and Narayan ruled is being established once again. This world of sorrow has to change and become the land of happiness.
You should have the happiness inside that you are becoming the masters of the land of happiness. There, no one will ask you whether you are happy and content or whether your health is OK. These questions are asked in this world because this is the world of sorrow. No one can ask you children these questions. You would say: We are the children of God and so how can you ask us about our welfare? We are always happy and content. There is even greater happiness here than in heaven because, having found the Father who establishes heaven, you have found everything. You were concerned about the one Father who lives beyond in the element of brahm, and, now that you have found Him, who else would you be concerned about? Always have this intoxication. You have to be very royal and very sweet. Now is the only time to make your fortune elevated. The main way to become multimillion times fortunate is to move with caution at every step and to be introverted. Always pay attention: “Whatever actions I perform, others who see me will do the same.” Body consciousness, etc. is the seed of the vices that has been sown for half the cycle.
These seeds are sown throughout the whole world. They now have to become merged. Seeds of body consciousness must not be sown. Now, seeds of soul consciousness have to be sown. It is now your stage of retirement. You have found the most beloved Father and He alone must be remembered. To remember your own bodies or bodily beings, instead of the Father, is a mistake. You also have to make effort to become soul conscious and to become cool.
Sweet children, you must never become distressed with this life of yours. This life has been remembered as invaluable. You have to look after it and also earn an income. However many days you stay here, you will continue to remember the Father and earn a lot of income and your karmic accounts will continue to be settled. Therefore, never get fed up. Some children ask: Baba, when will the golden age come? Baba says: Children, first of all, at least make your stage karmateet. Whatever time you have, make effort to become karmateet. You children need to have a lot of courage to become destroyers of attachment.
If you want to claim the full inheritance from the unlimited Father, you have to become destroyers of attachment. You have to make your stage very elevated. You belong to the Father and so you have to become engaged in the Father’s alokik service. A very sweet nature is needed. It is their natures that harass people a lot. Continue to check yourself with your third eye of knowledge that you have received. Whatever defects you have, remove them and become a pure diamond. If there is the slightest defect, your value would be decreased. Therefore, make effort and make yourself a valuable diamond.
The Father is now inspiring you to make effort in your connections and relationships with the new world. Sweet children, now have a relationship with the unlimited Father and the inheritance of unlimited happiness. It is only the one unlimited Father who liberates you from bondage and takes you into alokik relationships. Always have the awareness that you are those who have Godly relationships. These Godly relationships give constant happiness. Achcha.
To the sweetest, long-lost and now-found, beloved children, to the deeply loving children, love and remembrance from the depths of the heart, with a lot of love from Mother, the Father and BapDada. Good morning. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
Sweet elevated versions of Avyakt BapDada (revised):
In order to become an image of success, you need two main specialities – the first is purity and the second is unity. If purity is lacking, then unity will also be lacking. Purity is not just the vow of celibacy; there also has to be purity in your thoughts, nature and sanskars. For instance, if you have thoughts of jealousy or dislike, that is not purity; that would be said to be impurity. The definition of purity is that there mustn’t be the slightest trace of any of the vices. Let there not be any type of impurity even in your thoughts. You children have become instruments to accomplish the highest task.
You have become instruments in the form of maharathis, have you not? If you were to make a list, then it would only be serviceable ones and the Brahmin children who are instruments for service who would be listed in the list of maharathis. To what extent have you developed the speciality of a maharathi? Each one of you knows this for yourselves. Those who are in the list of maharathis: will they still be in the list of maharathis in the future or are they just in the current list of maharathis? Attention has to be paid to both these aspects. Unity means unity of sanskars and natures. Even if someone’s sanskars and nature are not harmonising, try and harmonise them – this is unity. A gathering alone is not called unity. Without these two things, instrumental serviceable souls cannot become instruments for unlimited service. They can be this for limited service, but both of these aspects are needed for unlimited service. You were told that it is only when everyone is ‘in step’ in a dance that there is “Wah, Wah!” So, here, too, to be ‘in step’ means to harmonise in a dance.
It emerges from everyone’s lips that all of these people who speak knowledge say the same thing, they just have the one topic, just the one word, they say this, do they not? In the same way, when everyone’s nature and sanskars are harmonised can it be said that there is harmony. Make a plan for this too. In order for any weakness to be finished, a gathering of the Mahakali form of the Shaktis in particular is needed to transform the weak atmosphere with the impact of their fire of yoga. Now, according to the drama, the final result is going to be clear in the mirror of each one’s activities. As you progress further, the maharathi children with the power of their knowledge will be able to see the story of each one’s karma through their faces. You are able to tell when something impure has been cooked by its smell. In the same way, there will be a clear touching on your intellects by the vibrations of impure thoughts that souls have had. The instrument for this is a clear line of the intellect. Those who have this powerful tool will easily be able to discern this.
There is this speciality in the non-living images of the Shaktis and deities: that no sinful soul is able to hide his sins in front of them. They too continually speak about this and say that you are like this. So, this speciality is seen even now in your non-living memorials in the final moments. It is because this speciality of the Shaktis was well known in the living form that it is also shown in the memorials. This is the stage of being a master janijananhar (one who knows everything), that is, the stage of being knowledge-full. This stage will also be experienced in a practical way; it is being experienced and it will be experienced. Have you created such a gathering? It definitely will be created. Such a gathering of moths is needed, through whose every step the Father can be revealed. Achcha.
Special homework to experience the avyakt stage in this avyakt month.
On the basis of faith and spiritual intoxication, Father Brahma came to know the guaranteed destiny and used everything in a worthwhile way in a second. He didn’t keep anything for himself. So, the sign of love is to use everything in a worthwhile way. To use something in a worthwhile way means to use it for an elevated purpose.
Blessing: May you be a soul who is constantly merged in love and who, while serving, race in experiences of remembrance.
You do stay in remembrance, but now continue to increase the experiences of the attainments you receive with that remembrance. Now make special time and pay attention to this, so that you are recognised as a soul who is merged in love and lost in an ocean of experiences. Just as you feel purity and peace in that atmosphere, in the same way, let it be experienced that you are an elevated yogi soul who is absorbed in love. There is an impact of knowledge, but let there also be an impact from your being an embodiment of success in yoga. While doing service, remain immersed in the experiences of remembrance and have a race of experiences of the pilgrimage of remembrance.
Slogan: To accept success here and now means to finish the reward of the future.
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Today's murali 18-1-2020 English Daily Gyan Murli,BK Murli |
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